On Wed, 7 Jul 2010 22:55:59 -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz <ji...@debconf.org> wrote:

> In retrospect I realize I meant $75/card; that's 6 meals averaging
> $12.50 each.

Given that that's what "Sponsored Food" means, and there seems to be no
down-side as far as "you won't be able to eat with the crowd" or "you
won't get the negotiated discount", I've just opted out of sponsored

I suggest that you mail all the people currently requesting food
sponsorship, pointing out that what you're arranging costs DC10 slightly
more than handing out cash, and is otherwise exactly equivalent to
handing out cash (i.e. there's no down-side apart from cost to not being
sponsored -- you get to eat in the same places for the same cost) and
asking people if they might be able to afford the $75 we're planning on
giving them for their food, thus saving money that could be used to fly
extra developers in, and avoiding them having to worry about the extra
credit card in their wallet, and where they're allowed to use it.

You may think that it was a bit shitty of me to ask for sponsored food
when I can afford to pay for it, but there are two points to
consider. 1) in past years opting out of that at sign-up time could
result in being deprived of the opportunity to eat with others while not
actually saving DebConf much, and 2) I had no idea what the expected
costs were at the time I ticked that box (and I was in the middle of a
minor cash-flow problem, and the pound was plummeting against the dollar)
so was cautious about saying "yeah, I'll cover what it costs, no matter
how much".  I may well not be alone in this.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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