[I would love being able to elaborate this more clearly but I have
$PAID_JOB to do. Sorry in advance for what is not very detailed]

Looking at budget.ods, rev 1497, from the top to the bottom:

The total attende costs are quite accurate but not exact, we might
get a bit less of incoming money from fees. It is +/-1k USD, so incoming
has 1000USD less than what the report says to err in the safe side.

In fixed costs:
I can not talk about the costs of insurance/security/rentals I think
they are all approx numbers. Security number is the same of several days
ago and it does not include the "close talk rooms one hour earlier to
save some money". (I am all for forgetting this).
I have not idea about the daytrip number, only that we have paid 1OOOUSD
in advance and it is half of the price for 200 people. How much
is transport here?
Videoteam material is also an approx number.
Possible hidden costs warning: we can have here unexpected costs from 
Columbia or some of having to pay for security/cleianing/etc more than 
we expected.

In fundraising:
The money under "sponsorship likely" is money it is expected to get
but, for what I have seen, it is not written in stone yet.
The rest of the numbers are almost exact.

All the above, leave us with 17285 in positive. In the bottom, you
have the full (updated) amounts of the travel queue A and B. We only
have promised 80 % to queue A, that is already included.
What about promising 70 % to queue B NOW? This will leave us with 
~9800USD, that is slightly more than sponsorship likely, in case
some sponsor there fails. But also with some money for hidden
Columbia costs. We will be playing here a bit in the line here and
we will fall if all those sponsors fails and Columbia ask us for
extra 10000USD, but I would go for playing a bit here.

Then later, we could consider sponsoring full 100% queue A and more 
from queue B.

How the situation changed so much since the meeting?
- we cut 6000 USD of the formal dinner in the meeting
- we added 8150USD in sponsors likely
- we got some cancelations (attendee not coming 1 week is more than 600USD)
- the previous budget had 100% for queue A and it is only 80% now.

What do you think?

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