1) Some people seem to have budget targets in mind, but
it is unclear to me what they might be.  I know that in
a flame war from what seems like months ago, conflicting
opinions about proper fiscal responsibility were espoused.
So what are we trying to achieve with the budget?

2) Many of the people in the sponsorship queue claim not
to be able to afford a single cent of their travel costs:
not a single penny.  Still a certain contingent assumes
that they can pay for transit, food, and entertainment
on the day trip.  If these people without any money at all
can afford the day trip, can they also afford to pay for
food during DebCamp?  Since we obviously do not take
people's assertions at face value, how can we determine
what is actually affordable by attendees, and cut any
unnecessary sponsorship accordingly?

3) In terms of slashing budgeted expenses, many people
seem to think a few hundred dollars in one place is a
worthwhile and necessary cut, yet the same amount in a
different area is minuscule and ridiculous to even talk
about.  How can we determine which sacrifices are
acceptable and which would drastically undermine the
quality of DebConf or Day Trip life?

4) There are myriad opinions on this list and some of
the people actually doing work on the conference get
demotivated by them.  There are many messages I would
like to reply to, but avoid doing so because it would
lead to further conflict.  How can we get everyone with
an opinion to contribute meaningfully to the success
of this conference in ways that will not make everyone
else quit in disgust?

My snide undertones are fair game for calling out.
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