On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:23:50 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:

> On Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
> > If I understand correctly, the idea is to start talks at 9:30 and reduce
> > lunch from 2 hours to 1.5 hours. 
> is the eating area and the kitchen big enough to cater us all in 1.5h?
> how much money does that safe? is it really worth it?

[Attendee's voice from the back of the audience, feel free to
disregard completely.]

I was following the "unmeeting" on Monday, and when this idea came up
I had a slight "WTF?!" moment.

Even almost two days later, I still consider the idea to deprive all
participants of half an hour of sleep and half on hour of recreation
time over lunch in exchange for USD 275 not a good deal; that saves
roughly 0.1% of the whole budget or USD 0.75 per participant [0] at
the cost of an -- in my opinion -- significant cut into "quality of

I was close to transferring EUR 219 to ffis during Monday's meeting,
earmarked with "DebConf10 - SOS (Save Our Sleep)" :)

Again, please feel free to just ignore my thoughts. -- And thanks for
your hard work on making this yet another great DebConf!


I hope I got at least the magnitude of the numbers right ...
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   `-    Dammit Jim, I'm an actor, not a doctor. 
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