On Tue, 6 Jul 2010 18:50:11 -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz <ji...@debconf.org> wrote:

> * We give everyone an attendee shirt (purple since that was one of two colors
> preferred and I heard objections to canary from some people).
> * We also give "staff" shirts (black) to everyone who deserves a "you helped 
> us
> out" shirt of any variety.

I'm fine with this plan.

> * The cost of the extra shirts will be partially or fully offset by selling
> extra shirts for $10 to those who want them. We could collect pre-orders on a
> wiki page, sell on-site on Debian Day, etc, depending on how much we want to
> deal with the hassle of on-site merchandise sales. If we restrict the sales to
> Debian Day only I think the hassle of doing it on-site for the one day is
> tolerable given the probable benefit.

Have we thought about increasing the price of the shirts? Asking $12-15
for a shirt is not unheard of and can be a pretty significant
difference. Make it sliding scale!

> * I already know one of our sponsors wants 10 extra shirts, which at a price 
> of
> $10 pays for roughly 15 other shirts beyond those 10. I may buy a
> couple

For someone wanting more than 5 shirts, it seems reasonable to discount
the price to $10.


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