On Wed, 2010-06-16 at 02:23 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> I completed the scheduling for DebConf10.  You can all hate me for it now ;)
> The schedule starts each day at 10:00am, and concludes at 5:30pm or
> 6:30pm, depending on the day.
> Already, some concerns were raised on IRC about only having a 1hr gap
> for lunch.  If we want that lunch gap to be 1.5hrs instead (e.g. if we
> have to eat in staggered shifts, or if people just think it's too tight)
> then i'd be fine with either moving all the events before lunch earlier
> a half-hour, or moving all the events after lunch later by a half-hour.
>  What do folks think?
> I have also left a half-hour break in every afternoon as well so that
> people don't go totally stir crazy (though on Tuesday, i've scheduled
> the group photo for that break).

Herding 250-odd DD's into a group photo does not fit in 30 minutes.
You're lucky if it fits into an hour.  Do you know who will be taking
the photo?  I've done it in the past, and am happy to do so again.

> Anyway, i expect there will be bugs and problems with the schedule, and
> i welcome criticism and proposals for how to improve it.

What's the walk time between:

 * hacklabs / talk rooms
 * talk rooms / meal rooms

If these are all only a couple of minutes apart then 1 hour for lunch is
doable, but if I travel talk room -> hacklab -> meal -> hacklab -> talk,
getting caught in a little chat in each place (and another in the
corridor) then the meal time can start to get pretty cramped -
especially when you take queueing into account.  It also heavily limits
the options for organising off-campus excursions for lunch, which can be
nice too.

Traditionally DebConf has been pretty lightly scheduled because of the
huge value that comes from the people meeting and communicating over the
meals, in the corridors, in the hacklab, and through the evenings.

Given all that I would tend to 2 hours for the lunch gap, and just end
the day an hour later.  And I'm sure Andreas can prop his eyes open for
another hour, over in Europe :-)

> We also need to think about how to announce the changes to the
> participants.  I don't have a plan for that yet.

IRC, identi.ca, iCalendar, RSS & email - and a web page displaying the
current days schedule :-)


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