On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 11:00:23AM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> > Another topic I'd probably like to see explained and discussed is the 
> > status 
> > quo of the squeeze release. It's kind of the main topic of Debian ;)
> hrm.  The only release team-ish talk i see is
>  https://penta.debconf.org/penta/pentabarf/event/552
> from Philipp Kern (cc'ed here), which doesn't sound like the plenary
> topic you've proposed exactly (it seems to be more about the general
> practice, rather than the specific release of squeeze).  Would either of
> you (Philipp or Holger) be up for bringing this idea to the release team
> and seeing if they have anyone who wants to propose such a thing?
> It's very last-minute for a proposal, but i'd imagine we all agree that
> a capable proposal about the state of the Squeeze release would be a
> Good Thing.  I certainly think it'd be potential plenary material.

552 is about Point Releases, mainly, not the promotion of testing to stable.
I agree that we should have something about the Squeeze release, too.

I bcc'ed the team for input.  :)

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
 .''`.  Philipp Kern                        Debian Developer
: :' :  http://philkern.de                         Stable Release Manager
`. `'   xmpp:p...@0x539.de                         Wanna-Build Admin
  `-    finger pkern/k...@db.debian.org

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