Hi micah--

Thanks for bringing this up!

On 05/28/2010 01:33 PM, micah wrote:
> Personally, I think Debconf can both get a bit boring if the 'relevance'
> is applied too strictly, and too de-focused if it is applied to
> broadly. To make a great conference there should be a balance, and I
> feel like right now it is being applied *very* strictly, and I'd like to
> advocate that a broader interpretation be entertained.

I agree with this sentiment.

> I think it is good to have things like FTP-masters give a talk, but to
> exclude things that aren't as closely connected to Debian as a
> core-infrastructure team threatens to make Debconf too insular and
> staid. Things that are Debian-related, such as those that are part of
> the broader social context, *are* actually relevant and very interesting
> to not only Debian Developers, but the non-Developer FLOSS fanatics who
> will be coming to the conference.

note that this isn't necessarily a dilution of the conference -- it's a
chance to encourage non-debian members of the broader community to
engage with debian and showing how debian can be useful to their work.
This means both upstream ("free software") but downstream ("our users",
both in terms of derivatives and end users) are relevant.  This seems
fitting to me, given the priorities we all aim for in the debian social

> ... the FLOSS track ...

Your e-mail referred a couple times to a "FLOSS track", but i think
there is no current FLOSS track, according to [0].  Do you mean the
Community Outreach track?  Or do you mean more broadly talks that are
more about FLOSS than debian? Or is someone proposing a FLOSS track that
i don't know about?


[0] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/Tracks

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