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On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:40:20PM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On 05/22/2010 06:41 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> > I'm concerned that the rating metric is wrong in penta when reviewers
> > leave one of the three categories in a "don't know" state.
>  [...]
> > Any thoughts on this?  Am i misunderstanding something?
> OK, i've looked into this further.  edrz pointed me toward the SQL that
> calculates the scores: sql/views/report/view_report_review.sql
> The old wiki page [0] description of the overall score was:
> >> The total rating is the average (arithmetic mean) of these three
> >> numbers.  Of course, this isn't a perfect rating system, but that's why
> >> we don't use it directly.
> But that is untrue.
> I've updated the wiki page [0] to describe the actual calculation:
> >> We compute a talk's score in each category by taking the average
> >> (arithmetic mean) of all ratings of the talk in that category. A talk's
> >> total score is equal to (2*acceptance + actuality + relevance)/4. (so
> >> acceptance counts twice as much as the other categories).
> >> 
> >> If no one has rated a talk in a given category (e.g. if everyone has
> >> left "actuality" unrated), that category's contribution to the total
> >> score is 0.
> I actually think this is a reasonable approach, i just didn't understand
> what it was doing.  So i withdraw my earlier objection.
> To be clear, the nice features of this approach are:
>  * the proportional contributions of the three categories to the overall
> score are independent of the number of ratings in each category.
>  * if a category has no ratings at all, it is as though everyone rated
> it zero.  If a category has one rating, that is the score used for that
> category.  So if you don't know, you can let people who do know provide
> information without tainting their ratings.  And if no one knows, then
> there is real ambivalence which is best represented for that category
> contributing 0 to the final score.
>  * i like that acceptance is rated as much as relevance and actuality
> put together.
> hope this makes sense,
>       --dkg
> [0] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Pentabarf

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