Note to debconf-team: this thread has been moved from the talks private
alias, as it was decided it was better to have it on debconf-team.

On Tue, 25 May 2010 16:46:38 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor 
<> wrote:

> On 05/25/2010 02:15 PM, Ana Guerrero wrote:
>> Looking at the number of submissions we got and how much talks we should
>> accept, I have done a small estimate.
>> The conference last 7 days but we do not have talks one day (daytrip),
>> I do not know how many talk rooms we'll have but I assume a couple of them.

According to our April 24th meeting notes[0], there will be two rooms.

>> Last year we have a maximum of 7 events per room (one hour per event).

Also, at the April 24th meeting, it was roughly assumed that there will
be 7 talks per day in each of the two rooms[1]. So that seems pretty
much the same, which is good to see.

>> 6 days * 2 rooms * 7 events = 84 events.
>> Last year, we have a keynote event every day (first talk in the afternoon),
>> that means 6 talks less (78).
> we're not calling them keynotes this time around, but i like the
> scheduling idea of trying to have a widely-targetted talk (in a bigger
> room?) every day, or at least every other day.  Seems like it might give
> more cohesion to the conference.

If there are two rooms, is there one bigger than the other?

>> So what about accepting ~78 talks talks? We have currently 107 submissions,
>> but about 10 of them are not talk submission, they are social events that 
>> just
>> needs scheduling.
> as long as the social events don't happen during the daytime window i'm
> assuming we plan for talks, this makes sense.


>> Finally, I hope we have at least a third room to schedule all the "last 
>> minute" 
>> track.  Also note I have not considered here the Debian Open Day (I have not 
>> idea 
>> about its status).
> i don't know about the Debian Open Day situation either.  Anyone else?

Good question.

> Thanks again for the good estimates, Ana!



1. It was also noted that we can always add more rooms and slots later.

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