On Sat, May 01, 2010 at 07:16:13AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:

>    - I'm currently down for sponsored food+accom. If I say no to
> sponsored food, is that going to be awkward if I want to chat with
> people over lunch/dinner, who have said yes to sponsored food?
> (Personally, I enjoyed eating around the place more than the sponsored
> food when I tried it in Mexico and Edinburgh; but you go to these
> things to talk to people, not for the food)

If you don't ask for sponsored food, but still ask for a meals, you
can still eat with the group, and you'll be charged.

>    - does the $650 rego cost cover the food/accom costs for the week
> for that individual, or is that still subsidised? It looked to me like
> it only covered accom, not food too, but maybe I missed something.

It's designed to cover the entire costs for one attendee for the week.

>    - have you considered offering a rego fee level around $100~$200,
> for students and people from poorer countries? It won't cover how much
> they cost for the conference (especially if they get travel
> sponsorship), but it's surely better than $0.

I think I suggested something like this, but it hasn't happenned.
Instead, there are the categories where certain things aren't
sponsored, and thus you can pay for them yourself.

>    - what proportion of attendees are at the various levels (travel
> support, food subsidy, accom subsidy; debcamp; free rego, $650 rego,
> $1300 rego)? How many people are currently registered?

26 professional, 4 corporate.  See
for more.

>    - The Linux Foundation has a travel fund [1] designed to help
> people attend developer conferences like DebConf; I don't know if
> anyone's made use of it to attend DebConf before, but it might be able
> to help with some of the cross-continent flights, particularly for
> anyone also attending LinuxCon the week after in Boston...

Interesting idea.  Perhaps someone can pick up on this...

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 287 days, 12:47
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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