On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 6:32 AM, Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org> wrote:
> Quoting Pablo Duboue (pablo.dub...@gmail.com):
>> OK, so thanks to Sapphire, Michael, Marga, a few Scribus tutorials I watched
>> on-line, here are two options for the LJ ad:
>> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debconf-data/dc10/sponsors/lj/lj5a.pdf
>> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debconf-data/dc10/sponsors/lj/lj5bpdf
>> (they vary in the placement of the sponsors logos)
>> I'll still need to ask the editor if he's OK with us saying LJ is inviting to
>> Debian Day.
>> Please help proofread! It is a lot of text. Plenty of typos might be lurking
>> on those boxes!
> My personal comment: as I haven't been involved in this, please take
> this as it is-->a late comment that would have been better if sent
> earlier.
> I think that the top lines with all previous Debconfs is not really
> useful. It indeed takes some time to the (unfamiliar with Debian)
> reader to figure out this is the list of previous DCs. IMHO, the ad
> would be perfectly OK without these two lines.

Indeed it will, but for a US-centric publication with a US-centric,
US-based readership, it makes it much stronger because "for the first
time in the US" is vague without knowing for how long it has been
taking place and which other places it has happened. The idea is to
stress out the concept of "this is big and you have to take advantage
it is in New York this year".

OTOH, that bit is ugly and confusing, so there might be better ways to
achieve the stated goal.

Thanks for your feedback,

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