On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 05:10, Daniel Kahn Gillmor <d...@fifthhorseman.net> 
> As you may know, we are trying to organize some thematic groupings of
> talks at debconf 10.  We're calling these groupings "tracks".
> i put a call out on planet.debian.org recently asking for people to
> coordinate a track if they're interested [0].

>  * Debian Integration in the Enterprise -- Sam Hartman
>  * Mathematics and Science in Debian -- Michael Banck
>  * Debian Community Outreach -- Andy Oram and Frank B. Brokken
>  * Java in Debian -- Pablo Duboue

So there are two tracks I think would be really interesting:

  * Debian on mobile devices (phones, slates, netbooks)
  * Debian and Wall Street (financial industry and related)

For the former, being able to play with some Android/Nokia/Palm
smartphones without worrying about bricking my own phone would be
really interesting; for the latter, I can't imagine DebConf ever
getting any closer to Wall Street, and apparently at least Ubuntu is
of some interest to those folks [0].


> I hope i haven't missed anything that's already come in, and there is
> still room for new tracks, if someone steps up soon to volunteer as a
> coordinator.

I kind of feel like there ought to be better people for both tracks
(my smartphone runs S60, not Linux; and Brisbane's almost as far away
from Wall St as you can get), but I could possibly be convinced


Anthony Towns <a...@erisian.com.au>
Debconf-team mailing list

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