On Apr 30, 2010, at 4:55 PM, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:

> [I think Daniel meant Mail-Followup-To: not Followup-To:, at least  
> based on
> Mutt's behavior. I'm respecting it manually.]
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 03:20:36PM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
>> Hrm, these notes here suggest that the retreat happens *after* the
>> global feedback:
>> http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2010/debconf-team.2010-03-31-20.00.html
> According to the plan agreed upon at the March 31 meeting, the  
> retreat is really sandwiched between two slightly different  
> opportunities for non-local people to be involved, as follows:
> "AGREED: local talks team will (1) call on -team for everyone local  
> and
> non-local to use penta to rank people, then (2) have the big  
> localtalksteam
> retreat to do most of the work, then (3) enter it into penta, email - 
> team to
> solicit and address any objections, then call it final"
> That would argue in favor of having the retreat roughly a week or  
> two later,
> and beginning step (3) immediately at the end of the retreat, with  
> promptness
> especially important the closer to May 20 that step (2) occurs.

The key idea of the retreat is for local people to get together to be  
able to talk about the apps and then we'll enter our ratings into  
penta.  Then all who want to contribute on penta can do so, and we'll  
wait for all that. But it seems that no one is following thru on this  
retreat, so it might be that we're all just doing it via penta.



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