On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 06:14:36PM -0500, Pablo Duboue wrote:

> My personal take is: yes, an open day will be great and it would be nice if 
> we 
> can make a lot of noise about it. My preference for it would be to have it 
> one 
> day away from the Day trip, so the two events don't blast a hole on DebConf 
> (two days in a row of lowered technical content can be too distracting). That 
> leaves Monday or Friday. My vote goes to Friday, so we can finish the week in 
> a 
> more relaxed tone.

In some past years, when this was Debian Day and more focused on
getting outside decision-makers and talking about the benefits of free
software to them.  This happened (at least sometimes) one of the days
between DebCamp and DebConf (or during DebCamp).

These are other options to consider.  This year we could possibly go
either way, depending on how much time we have to set things up.

What do you all think?

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 240 days, 4:06
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