
I've realized that the "Debian redesign - Introduction of the new look"
presentation is scheduled to 2009-07-29, 1pm in the BoF room. However, I can
see some reasons to move it to the Lower talk room:

1) Lower talk room is available that time;
2) I guess many people are going to attend and BoF room seems to be too small
(and hot) for that;
3) It's a presentation regarding a graphic design and BoF room has no projector;
4) I've talked to pixelgirl and she would appreciate a lot this effort;
5) Some people has asked to stream the proposal;

If there's no objection I'll put a sheet at the BoF room door with this advise
on 2009-07-29 and do my best to get enough video volunteers to stream it from
the Lower room.


Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
0xA504FECA - http://pgp.mit.edu
GNU/Linux user #188687

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