Not sure if I will have time to help, if so, I will help you.
I have experience with Tex and Cáceres, and I helped last year in MDQ.

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Blars Blarson<> wrote:
> All of the papers submitted for Debconf 9 are in tex, and since I
> don't know tex that means I need help with them.  (Somehow the "I'll
> help with the proceedings" got mutated into "I'm in charge of the
> proceedings".)  There is apparently some tex stuff from last year that
> might help.  Please email me or /msg blarson on if you
> are willing to help.
> Also, we need someone who will be present durring debcamp to take
> charge of the reproduction, binding, etc.
> --
> Blars Blarson         
> With Microsoft, failure is not an option.  It is a standard feature.
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