-=| Gabriela Manjarrez, Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 06:11:11PM -0500 |=-
> The distribution is great! I just don't like the bitmap logos, but 
> that is not
> your fault. I found the verctorized logo of rackspace
> (http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/search/95506849/203088.html) so you can
> include it;

Very nice. Thanks!

> the linode.com could be improve if we use it in grayscale.

Grayscale? You can print in grayscale? I thought that only 100% black 
can be printed.

I have found a vector version of the logo, but I can't think a good 
black-and-white variant -- it uses two greens and black. If someone 
has ideas, the SVG is at 

> Sp if you help me with thos points I'll be more than happy. I can 
> wait until
> you get the Extremadura logo.

This one is fixed now (thanks, Valessio!), but there is a new sponsor, 
whose logos are in CDR format. I am struggling to convert these into 
something that Inkscape opens (SVG EPS AI).

This shall be done at latest around midnight (UTC+3).


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