Margarita Manterola dijo [Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 05:04:32PM -0300]:
> The basic idea behind the Open DebConf Day was to select the talks
> that would be interesting both to DDs and non-DDs, so that we could
> invite Debian users, contributors or interested people to that day in
> particular.
> For this to happen someone (I think the committee is best suited for
> this) should mark those talks that are of general interest in Penta.

Agree - what should we use for this? The track? We currently have only
three listed talks on the DebianDay track, so it might be quite
doable. Now, I just checked and I don't seem to have access anymore to
the talk rating interface — Has anything changed? We will still need
this access.

> I talked with Ana about the prospective public, and she told me that
> there are a lot of Debian Users in Spain that don't speak enough
> English to understand a talk in English, therefore, it would be a good
> idea to have at least a group of talks in Spanish, parallell to the
> talks in English.

In fact, I think it is important to prioritize the Spanish talks. I
would leave English talks only for those proposals which are
interesting and important by themselves, interesting for both DDs and
outsiders. This seems obvious, of course, but I think it should be
stressed. There are not that many proposed DD-oriented talks which we
have marked as wide enough to be part of DebianDay (or OpenDebConfDay,
or whatever name we are going to use his time around). We can, of
course, fill the schedule as much as we want — But I think it will be
more valuable to focus on the Spanish track.

> So, summarizing: for the English track, someone (hopefully from
> committee) needs to go over the officially selected talks and select a
> bunch of them for OpenDay; for the Spanish track, we need the
> prospective talk givers to load them into Penta, and we need more
> talks.

Yes — We should go over the talk list again with this in
mind. Andreas, Tassia, should we have a meeting for this? I think it
is the best way...

And, again... We must consider some of the talks will be loaded by us,
not by the submitters.

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