On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 01:02:54AM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:
> Jimmy and I talked and decided that decided there's no reason that the
> talks shouldn't be scheduled through Penta via the usual mechanisms.
> So unless someone proposes a better way, we'll go with that for now.

I'm also in favour of Penta.

> Then, we need to all work on getting them the talks to select and
> schedule from.
Especially we need registered talks marked "DebianDay".  Currently
there is not that much to select from ...

> - If a talk is registered in penta, they already have it and can
> select.
> - If it's not in penta but you have some details or an idea, send it
>   to them[0].  The you should work on getting it submitted to penta.  
> [0] gw...@debian.org , ti...@dedian.org , (sorry, don't know tassia's)

I'm sorry - I'm against sending suggestions in private mail.
Please enforce people to use penta.  I'm not in the mood to
proxy filling in a penta form if there is no strong reason
why the submitter can not do it himself. 
Kind regards


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