César Gómez Martín dijo [Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 01:11:22PM +0000]:
> > Today from 1901 to 2001 UTC we had a global team meeting.  We mainly
> > went over our current status, no groundbreaking new information.  I
> > (MrBeige) chaired.  Unfortunately, we had no local team
> > representatives.  However, we have a meeting proposed for 9 April
> > 2009, 11 or 12 UTC, which the localteam should be able to attend.
> > We'll follow up on local status then.
> Unfortunately I spoke with Anto and he is not able to attend, he is in
> Porto (Portugal) and he is the who has the news regarding the status,
> I only have the menus and prices.
> I would like to have Anto because he is the one that spoke with
> restaurants, and more stuff. So IMHO the best idea is to reschedule
> the meeting for the next Monday?

FWIW, if you already have that information, would you post it to the
list? Maybe it is not enough to warrant a meeting, and we can move on

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