Hi all.

I am so sorry, I was not able to connect yesterday, and I will not be
able to connect today.

Until Monday I will only be able to be connected from 8 until 15 CET
due to personal reasons.

Best regards,

2009/4/6 Moray Allan <mo...@sermisy.org>:
> There was supposed to be a DebConf meeting today, but very few people
> were online for it, and no one from the local team.
> We will try again tomorrow (Tuesday 7 April), at 19 UTC /
> 21 CET, on #debconf-team on irc.debian.org.
> Please be there if at all possible!
> Agenda: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Meetings
> --
> Moray
Debconf-team mailing list

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