Thanks a lot Pablo :))

2009/3/23 Pablo Castellano <>:
> César Gómez Martín wrote:
>> Hello Pablo.
>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Pablo Castellano
>> <> wrote:
>>> Steve McIntyre wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 05:30:43PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On Samstag, 21. März 2009, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks to Neil for a lot of work last night, and I and Holger have
>>>>>> tweaked it a little more today. It's checked into svn, but I'm not
>>>>>> sure how to publish it myself. Help!
>>>>> I've moved the pdf into the right directory in svn (and moved a bunch of 
>>>>> older
>>>>> sponsor related pdfs into the appropriate dcX dirs), so that it should be
>>>>> available at soon.
>>>>> As soon as I got confirmation from you that the file downloaded from your
>>>>> webserver (and put into svn) is really the latest, I'll inform the people 
>>>>> who
>>>>> requested information via the request tracker.
>>>> I've updated the pdf to match the last odt version, and it's in place
>>>> now.
>>>> If we have volunteers, a Spanish translation would be cool too. :-)
>>> About the translation, I'll try to do it in my free time =)
>> When will you be able to do it? We need this ASAP.
>> Best regards,
>> César.
> I have translated about 5 pages today (a half of the work) and I'll try
> to have it ready tomorrow.
> When it's finished, some other spanish-speakers should review it because
> I have had some doubts while I was translating some sentences.
> I'll do my best asap.
> --
> Regards, Pablo.
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