Quoting Holger Levsen (hol...@layer-acht.org):
> Hi,
> On Freitag, 6. März 2009, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > > A great first start would be to craft this letter ("we think that
> > > $persons attendance will improve the conf for debian and every
> > > attendee")..
> > You mean the "invitation" letter we would send when people needing
> > support for visa applications *and* early sponsorship help requst for it?
> No, the visa application letter has been another one, but maybe we can 
> combine 
> them? The one I ment above is more for universities/employers, so that they 
> allow/support the person to go.
> Both should be ready ASAP, as you noted it's quite late already...
> I have no idea where the letters we send for dc8/7 are, but I assume someone 
> knows (</hint>) and it would be good to base this years on those :-)

Just in case, I crafted something last couple of days (this is indeed
based on an invitation I received for the FOSS.in conference):

Dear <foo>,
                              Invitation to the annual Debian conference

We are pleased to invite you to attend the DebConf9 conference.

As a specialist in your field, you will be able to add a unique
perspective to the technical presentations and discussions at the
conference. We sincerely hope that you will be able to come to
Cáceres and present you work and your ideas.

At DebConf9, we expect about 50 national and international speakers
and an audience of 400 developers, academia, business, science and
public sector.

The conference dates are July NN-PP, 2009, including the Debian Days,
where developers and contributors work together in workshops and team

For uptodate information please refer to the conference website, which
you may find at at http://www.debconf9.org.

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