Hi Valessio, hi Jonas,

the DebConf9 irc meeting today agreed on the logo for DebConf9 and to use 
Jonas website design proposal. 

It should be the acorn (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn) as in the 
upper left corner on http://bugfixes.eu/preview.html.

Valession, IIRC you made that logo proposal?! Could you come up with a version 
which is scalable and looks nice on a thirt and on a website and so on? (I 
guess a version with just the acorn and another with the word DebConf and the 
swirl would be good to have.)

Jonas, please do "svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debconf-data/dc9/website/" 
check out the code for the website, then adapt it to use your design and then 
send the changed files back (to me privatly or the list...)

Thanks! A lot! :-)


P.S.: please choose DFSG compatible licences for your works too ;-) Something 
like GPL2+, or BSD or MIT...

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