
On Freitag, 20. Februar 2009, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> > Gold - 25.000 EUR and up
> > Silver - 10.000 to 25.000 EUR
> > Bronze - 5.000 to 10.000 EUR
> > Steel - 500 to 5.000 EUR
> I like this one.  I did get the sensation that we had too many
> categories last year.  However, it raises the bar to be in the T-shirt
> a bit too much, I think.

/me nods. What do others think?

> I
> wouldn't approve giving a talk to Microsoft or similar companies.

Why? They release code under free or open source licences, support mono and I 
don't see why we shouldnt let them buy a talk, when others can. (Think of a 
company who makes its profit from selling "intellectual property" with free 
software. Or companies which file enourmous amounts of patents, also on 
business logics. Why do we accept those but not Microsoft?)

Of course, we can turn arbitary sponsor offers down, but the above is part of 
the reason why I rather select talks by content and a comitee.

> Of course, this is as long as the Sponsor actually supports Debian. 

By giving us money, they support Debian.

> > The above list speaks about a "local magazine" - what was ment with that?
> There was a welcoming magazine, the one with the "Super cow powers"
> logo... Didn't you read it? 

I did :) I just thought that was part of "all conference related material" :)

> However, things this year don't look like they'll
> be doing anything like that, so it should be removed


> Also, during the video thing we showed the logos of some sponsors, so
> the division could be something like this:


> Steel: logo on website and printed material
> Bronze: Steel + logo on T-shirt
> Silver: Bronze + bigger logo on T-shirt + logo on video transmissions
> and conference banners
> Gold: Silver + bigger logo on all material + 45 minutes talk

Looks good, though given my above concern I wonder if we should reintroduce 
platinum ;)

Steel: logo on thank-you page on the website/printed material and preceedings
Bronze: Steel + logo on every webpage & T-shirt
Silver: Bronze + bigger logo on T-shirt and conference banners
Gold: Silver + bigger logo on all material + logo on video transmissions
Platinum: Gold + 45 minutes talk

Platinum - 27.500 EUR and up
Gold - 17.500 EUR to 27.500 EUR
Silver - 5.000 to 17.500 EUR
Bronze - 1.500 to 5.000 EUR
Steel - 500 to 1.500 EUR


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