
On Monday 08 September 2008 15:09, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> > Then the airline will send your fingerprints to the US if you go there.
> Do you have evidence of this? My understanding is that fingerprints aren't
> part of the Passenger Name Record info that's shared with the US government
> by airlines on flights to the US. 

Actually I'm too lazy atm to find evidence for that, sorry. According to 
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance_Passenger_Information_System biometric 
data is part of the database, according to the english wikipedia page its 
not. But thats wikipedia anyway, for a proper check one has to study the 
relevant documents on some .gov site and hope they match reality. 

mentions that there will be national databases in europe for PNR data as well 
and that data about religion, union memberships and sexual preferences shall 
(probably) not be stored in those databases (/me wonders how they gather that 
data in the first place...) and that the us-american government gave a 
similar promise in an accompanying letter to the transatlatic treaty (about 
passing on passenger data.)

Excuse me while I puke, this is so depressing I dont want to research it 
further. I guess it also doesnt really matter in which country we hold 
DebConf, if we use planes to get there, an impressive amount of data will be 
stored anyway.

(And btw, the problem with biometric data in passports is not really the 
biometric data in passports. Its the database with all biometric data which 
will also exist somewhere. If it is only one database..)


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