
Joerg Jaspert dijo [Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 06:19:37PM +0100]:
> (...)
> First, the sponsorship team. We had a team of 9 members last year who
> took the decision. Most work was done in IRC meetings. It worked similar
> to "I post name, status and amount of money requested" to the channel
> and everyone gives his opinion as yes/no/maybe/pass. That translates to a
> +1,-1,0.5,0 score, which then can be used to sort all people who applied for
> sponsorship and then give out money top-down, as long as money is there.
> Now, for the members of this team:
>  - Joerg Jaspert
>  - Moray Allan
>  - Holger Levsen
>  - Amaya
>  - Margarita Manterola
>  - Neil McGovern
>  - Steve McIntyre
>  - Anthony Towns - the DPL part, we had Branden last year. :)
>  - Martin Wuertele

I'd like to take part in this team as well. Why? Well, I was involved
twice in this process, I think I know the criteria we should follow,
there are a couple of people I want to speak about if needed (as you
know, I've been promoting participation in Debian from people in Latin
America, and that's where I'll be focusing). Of course, still, not
putting aside the rest of the people ;-)


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