Holger Levsen dijo [Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 08:58:28PM +0100]:
> Hi,
> I have a clash of meetings on January the 8th: there is a debian-edu meeting 
> at 19.30 UTC and a debconf-team meeting scheduled at 20:00 UTC.
> Any suggestions how to resolve this? Maybe by moving the debconf-team meeting 
> to 20:30 UTC?


On Jan 8, we go back to regular work at the University - by which, I
mean that the month that has me most worried in the upcoming year will
start - Details are unneeded at this list :) 

If it's possible to hold the meeting a bit earlier (say, on the 6/7
weekend or something like that), I'll be most delighted and will be
present. Otherwise, I'll... Well, I'll have to skip this meeting as
well :(

Of course, do not take my presence as vital at this meeting. Only as


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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