Ok, i will do that, thnx u.

On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 16:06 +0300, Fabian Fagerholm wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 00:50 -0500, Nicolas Valcarcel wrote:
> > Ok, that i undestand, but where must i see what can i do? just reading
> > this list and the channel? or there in the wiki?
> Nicolas,
> From my experience with DebConf5 and DebConf6, it's a bit hard to find
> anything concrete to do unless you happen to have regular contact with
> the active people. For me, getting involved in DebConf5 happened because
> I happened to be a board member of the local organisation
> (Linux-Aktivaattori) that represented DebConf5 legally and financially
> (apart from being interested myself). This meant that some decisions
> eventually ended up on my table, and I could involve myself in them or
> let someone else do it.
> During DebConf6, my involvement was confined more or less to the period
> of the actual conference. I was not a member of the local team (since I
> live eight timezones from Mexico) but since some people knew I had
> experience from the previous DebConf (as well as other experience) it
> was easy to agree on some tasks once I had arrived in Mexico.
> Based on both these conferences, my experience is that the conference
> coordinators are unfortunately also the people doing most of the work,
> so they have a very hard time delegating tasks. The best thing you can
> do is to follow the channels you listed above and try to spot a
> neglected task that you could handle. Do some research and come up with
> a simple plan on how you're going to do it, then communicate to others
> that you are going to do it. It's likely that nobody will respond with a
> "go ahead" message. In the best case, your work will be useful, and in
> the worst case, it will be just a waste of time.
> Cheers,
> _______________________________________________
> Debconf-team mailing list
> Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org
> http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-team
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