Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Bosnia uses the latinic alphabet, but you still have some time to push
> your government to change to Cyrilic! ;-)

Talking about which, my oponion is that the Bosnia bid was good enough
for Debconf, and that there was some uncertainty regarding the local
team (at least this is how I read it). It ranked very similarly to
Edi in most of the points. 

So it would be great that Bosnia was again a candidate bid for Debconf9,
and if the Bosnian local team got more involved in organizing Debconf
next year, and attended Debconf in Edi giving people a chance to meet
them and work with them, Bosnia would have also good chances to become
the next Debconf host country, if they are still interested, of course.

Just my tree-hugger 2 EUR cents.

 .''`.             Fuck your fascist beauty standards
: :' :   
`. `'           Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
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