
* Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060712 06:08]:

Checked from Frankfurt-Rhein-Main (FRA) with expedia.de (don't know, if
that is the cheapest or best search engine for flights; it's surely the
only one I can remember ;)  I searched for a flight on 22.08. and back
at the 30.08., too.

> By experience, prices should be similar from other major hubs in
> Europe at least for NRT and KIX.

>    CDG <-NRT                      832.00
FRA <-> NRT                     828,59 EUR
>    CDG <-CTS                     1274.00
FRA <-> CTS                     980,35 EUR
>    CDG <-KIX                      951.00
FRA <-> KIX                     736,03 EUR
>    CDG <-OKA                     1633.00
FRA <-> OKA                     1.485,83 EUR

Interesting... some of the flights are from Air France and I would need
to change my plane at CDG... are cheaper than your flights direclty from
CDG ;)

Yours sincerely,


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