On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 11:11:20AM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> This sounds much better. Though still the concerns in the 2nd URL have not 
> been addressed. (Also please note that the list on 
> http://www.mediavisa.net/schengen-visa-mandatory.html (without the #vtaall in 
> the URL) also says "Travellers from whom a short-stay or transit visa is 
> required by _all_ Schengen States" and that this list is much longer than the 
> list at schengen-visa-mandatory.html#vtaall)

Transit visa != Airport transit visa. As I understand, the former allows
you to go through a country, while the latter generously allows you hang
around at the international zone of an airport.

Crosschecking 2006[1] & 2005[2] attendeelists, we have people only 
from Nigeria and Bangladesh, so getting airport transit visas is almost
a non-issue. Another check is needed for the "some countries require
airport transit visa" list[0], so we can tell atteendees from those
countries which airlines they need to avoid - which OTOH might mean
more expensive flights, again...

Frankly I'm more worried about the mudslinging and fighting for the next 
venue location. Everyone should try to keep some perspective, 
there is allways a *next* year. (unless we burn out all current 
organizers and nobody steps in, but let's not go into that...)


[0] http://www.mediavisa.net/documents/CCI33.pdf
[1] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20060518.203936.b6df5950.en.html
[2] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20050711.115005.ad3c9032.en.html

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