Hi there,

I am working on the wiki right now, cleaning up and adding stuff to the
right categories.

I am starting pages for Debconf7, Debconf8, Debconf9 and, (yes, even)
Debconf10 in an attepmt to organize the different venues, according to
some standard.

So, for example, Debconf7 would only have links to the different venues
wiki pages (which would then have more information on the propposal

I moved Debconf9 to Debconf8, moved Debconf8 content regarding Montreal
to debconfMontreal, and so on. I am also moving
http://wiki.debian.org/sapphire to DebconfSarajevo.

I am also wondering wether the people from edinbugh can move some of
their info to the debian wiki, as it gets messy to have several wikis

Would it make any sense to have also as categories Debconf5, Debconf6..
and so on, to keep stuff separated and easy to find?

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