Holger Levsen dijo [Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 03:00:37PM +0200]:
> > Do we really need that sound equipment? We have not asked for sound
> > stuff to anybody, as we (at least I) completely forgot about it.
> Nadeshda took at least pictures of it and gave me a list of available audio 
> sets.

Yes, with the description you gave, you reminded me we actually asked
for it :) 

> > The 
> > work rooms are quite small and sound is only needed for you video
> > people - I thought you had it covered. 
> Aehm, its not "only" for the video people. It's for the people sitting at 
> home 
> for whom we want to try to give them better audio than at debconf5. (Which 
> was ok, but not as good as we would want it.)

Well, yes, but if they get low sound levels or something, they should
blame you video guys ;-)

> > I think that in general renting stuff in Oaxtepec is more expensive
> > than what it's worth... I might be grossly mistaken, of course.
> Maulkin thought it was reasonable.

Ok, then I shut up. And try to get a sponsor as well for this ;-)

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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