On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Andreas Schuldei dijo [Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 09:34:43PM +0200]:
> > In order to put up the preliminary talks/bofs schedule we need to
> > know some corner data: how many rooms are there for talks, how
> > many for bofs, how big are they, when are they available and when
> > are the meals?
>   Now, if we assign one large rooms to host talks, we would be left
>   with three spaces for real hacklab usage: A whole module and the
>   smaller room in the other one. In work table configuration, this
>   means the space will nominally be enough for 90 people - But if we
>   cover the surrounding areas, we will not have overpopulation, I
>   hope. The terraces are nice, a bit smaller than Smokki's (just to
>   give a sense of proportion), and if we have wireless coverage in
>   the pool area, even more space is available.

I guess we should plan on using the 150 person room, and then the
large space as well, so we'll have a 150 person space, and a 90 person

Given that we have ~ 240 people confirmed, iirc, it's possible that
popular talks will eat all of the space in these rooms.

The last bit I need is for someone to remind me of what times meals
are going to be at, so I can cook up the timeslots themselves.

Don Armstrong

"People selling drug paraphernalia ... are as much a part of drug
trafficking as silencers are a part of criminal homicide."
 -- John Brown, DEA Chief

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