Subject: Re: kosher food at debconf
Reply-To: In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As I made clear before when Amaya asked me about kosher food on IRC, my
food requirements are not the same as the Orthodox Jewish kosher; I
follow the Karaite Jewish version of kashrut, which allows a single set
of kitchen utensils, allows mixing of meat and dairy, and does not
require the intervention of a rabbi.

I require meat that is sheep, goat, beef, quail, chicken, turkey, or
salmon.  Pork, duck, and seafood are unlawful.  Seaweed and mushrooms
are also unlawful.  The meat must be bled immediately after it is
killed; the animals must not be slaughtered by strangling.  The hotel
should be able to confirm this information about the meat.

At least one other attendee has the same dietary restrictions, except in
his case he also cannot eat anything with nuts (peanuts, almonds, etc)
or he will go into cardiac arrest.

If the hotel cannot accomodate these dietary needs, please let me know
as soon as possible.


On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 01:42:17AM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
we have done some investigations and it appears that there is no
kosher food in the region. Remember the conference will be in
rural Mexico - You will probably be able to find some
kosher-certified food at local stores, but we didn't find a way
to prepare any special dishes. You are certainly aware of how
involved preparation of kosher food is and that the hotel kitchen
wont be able to provide it properly.

You say that kosher food could be shipped easily. Therefor i
suggest that you bring a supply for yourself. You are the only
participant who requested kosher food. Due to logistics we cant
give you money to buy kosher food and you would have to do that
out of your own pocket.

Otherwise we would be happy to offer you sponsored vegan food,
which has at least a good probability to contain no wrong
ingredience, even if it might be prepared in the wrong

best wishes,

It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.

Eukleia: Ted Walther
Address: 5690 Pioneer Ave, Burnaby, BC  V5H2X6 (Canada)
Contact: 604-430-4973

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