Andreas Schuldei dijo [Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 02:35:03PM +0100]:
> Hi!
> would it be ok to have the account where donations should go in
> the -team svn repository or even here on the mailinglist?

Of course, no problem - The worst thing that can happen is that we
will get extra donations! ;-)

  Bank: BBVA Bancomer S.A.
  SWIFT Code (for international transfers): BCMRMXMM
  Account number: 0150436763
  Account holder: Gabriela Manjarrez Gutiérrez
  Account CLABE (for transfers from other banks in Mexico): 012180001504367635

> I would also need the shipping address for heavy and big and
> valuable goods like servers, filers, switches etc 
> at the hotel, plus a date when they can arrive there.

I've been talking about this over here, and we think the best thing
will be to receive everything at my house - Our address is

  Gunnar Wolf & Gabriela Manjarrez
  Av. Copilco 233
  Col. Copilco Universidad
  CP 04360, México D.F.

We will see on how it is best to transport it all to Oaxtepec. The
thing is we could probably ask for a space there, but people at the
hotel are somehow reluctant to be held responsable for valuable
goods. We will only have to arrange on how to transport it all from
here to Oaxtepec - Part of it might be doable in my or somebody else's
car, but for some big boxes I think we will need to rent a van (as fas
as we have found, we had vans for rent at ~US$150 a day).

Nadezhda tells me that the best thing would be for the sponsors to
ship to their local branch first (i.e., Intel's boxes to be sent to
Intel Mexico, and then sent to us by them), as otherwise there would
be lots of import paperwork to do. She has some idea on that
paperwork, but you don't want Debconf to be involved in that mess -
and that could bring delays and costs for us. For costy equipment, we
cannot just ship it by some courier, we would have to hire a customs
broker, handle invoices, NAFTA certificates, import pediments, and a
very long etcetera.

If our sponsor cannot do that, we must coordinate it VERY carefully
and with good anticipation. Please contact her directly
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if we need to handle directly.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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