Hello world!

El 19/11/24 a las 19:22, Santiago Ruano Rincón escribió:
> Dear Debconfnites,
> It is my pleasure to announce that the DebConf 25 Logo and Artwork
> call for proposals is formally open \O/. Yay!
> Do you want to contribute to the next DebConf, that will be held on
> Brest, France? Would you like to see your amazing ideas on the
> conference website, t-shirts, swag and so on, so people from all over
> the world take them home? Don't hesitate to submit those ideas at:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/25/Artwork/LogoProposals
> We will receive proposals until 15th December 2024, AoE.
> After that, we will open a survey so we can choose among the ideas.
> If you have any questions, please contact me (santi...@debian.org), or
> ask on #debconf-team @ irc.oftc.net.


Sorry for the delay. But the survey to choose the logo for the next
DebConf can be found at: https://surveys.debian.net/

The survey will remain open until 2024-12-23 23:59 GMT.

Thanks a lot to all the people who proposed those amazing logos! And
thanks a lot to larjona for providing the infrastructure to run the


 -- Santiago

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