
On 26/07/24 04:49 PM, Masato Minda wrote:
> Hi
> I am attending Debconf for the first time.
> I prepared a small amount of cheese (about 0.5 kg) yesterday. To bring to 
> Debconf, of course.

Great. !
> > And not forget adding it to the wiki -
> > https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/CheeseWine#What_will_be_available_during_the_party.3F
> I don't have a wiki update account, is it free to create a wiki account?

Yes you need to create a wiki account and its free. 
https://wiki.debian.org/FrontPage?action=newaccount . Register here 
and ping wiki admins (https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWiki/Contact).

And in mean time. I can add your details to the cheese wiki page. But 
let me know the name of the cheese.  :) 


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