Hello Everyone, In a month, we will be in Busan, Korea to start DebCamp and DebConf24! \o/
This Cheese and Wine (C&W) party is the 20th official DebConf Cheese and Wine party. The first C&W was improvised in Helsinki during DebConf5 in the so-called "French" room. Cheese and Wine parties are now a tradition at DebConf. A longstanding tradition at DebConf is that one night during the conference, we gather to enjoy cheese, which has taken on a life of its own. Attendees bring not only cheese and wine but also other local specialties from their countries to share with others. As hackers, we love to try surprising things that participants bring, share with each other, and introduce local specialties. Of course, you can also bring non-alcoholic drinks or typical foods that you want to share. We need to organize a great party, and an important part of that is planning. We want to know what you are bringing so we can prepare labels and organize other details. So, please visit our Wiki page and add what you will bring! https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/CheeseWine For more information about the party: https://debconf24.debconf.org/about/cheese-and-wine-party/ We look forward to seeing you all there! Best regards, Macy, acting cheese monster