Fellow debianites,

I hope you are all doing well. I'm currently sitting in Chambra and
with everything that has been going on :'(
I want to throw a ... party is not the quite the right word.
But yeah something.

I will see about making this a private area for the evening where we
can get together one more time and do things.

I was thinking that we can get joostvb, joeino and myself to DJ a
little bit (and perhaps others, but these three people I trust when it
comes to music - the live coding thing has always been very awesome, so
yeah. There is also a beamer, so I'm sure joeino can do some awesome

I will be personally responsible for making sure that the room 
will be in a good shape for the DebMed BoF the next morning
on Sunday at 10:30. [0]

Word of warning:
My music will definitely be of the more depressive variety:
NIN e.g. and some german hiphop
(to get some idea of what kind of music I am talking about
have a look at [0][1]).

I find this music to be quite fitting the circumsstances ...

Since this is right next to noisy this should mean that people who do
not wish to join (either because they just aren't in the mood -
perfectly understandable -
or who just value their sleep - again, very understandable)
will not get disturbed.

Please consider though that *outside* and especially on the hallways
you should really be quiet.

More information to follow later.
I'm thinking an appropriate time to start would be 2100.

No dress code!

Ideally we can also cover the one camera
up in the corner (having talked with the hotel about this of course)
so that it is truly a *private* space, as opposed to what appears to be
considered "private".

If anyone has some more ideas, feel free to answer this email
or approach me in person.

[0] https://debconf23.debconf.org/talks/30-debian-med-bof/
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZvGBF2thcA

PS: If you haven't already and you are up for it
I want to remind you that there is the Condolences Book in the
silent hacklab. So you may say your goodbyes there


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