On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 2:49 PM Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana <
p...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> If you missed the deadline to ask for DebConf22 bursaries, we have a good
> news:
> you can still ask for food and/or accommodation.
> It is not possible to ask for a bursary through the registration form now,
> but
> if you are interested, please send an e-mail to bursar...@debconf.org
> saying if
> you need:
> - Food only
> - Accommodation only
> - Food + Accommodation
> for the specific dates you plan to attend, and specify what you intend to
> do at
> DebConf22.

I am planning to participate in DebCamp22 (10-16 July), and I need
Food+Accomodation support, if possible.
I'd like to work on installing and testing DebianEdu in a virtual
environment (similar to this:
http://dashohoxha.fs.al/docs/testing-fuss-with-lxd.html). Then, trying to
fix any issues, if possible.
Of course, this is going to be more efficient and productive if some other
guys with DebianEdu experience will join me there. I have sent a
request/notification about this on the DebianEdu mailing list:
https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2022/05/msg00022.html Let's see if this
works out.


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