rajudev dijo [Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 05:55:28PM -0300]:
> We are starting to flash coreboot on laptops of people who would be
> willing to have it on there laptops.
> People who want to flash it on there laptops or people who are willing
> to learn on how to do it are welcome to join in the Noisy HackLab after
> the Cheese and Wine Party.
Great initiative! :-) I am happy you took that task this
year. But... I always tried to be extra sober and awake when flashing
laptops :-] I hope you had no ill results!

Now, question: Last year I did this with Raspbian, as our kernel
did not have can't-remember-which-feature enabled. Can we test whether
this runs with the images I'm preparing?


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