
On 7/21/19 4:29 PM, Helen Koike wrote:
> Hello,
> Pedro (pirate) and I have a dog called Drogo (picture on [1], video on
> [2]), he is
> a golden retriever and is really sweet, he doesn't bark, is really
> calm, he likes to play and always do his things outside.
> We walk with him two times a day and he stays alone in the airbnb
> during the conference.
> We asked at the hotel reception if we could bring him at the hotel,
> and they said yes as long as we present his vaccination card.
> So I was wondering, would that be ok with you if I bring him to the
> noisy hacklab at the hotel? So he doesn't stay alone for too long.
> Could you please let me know if you have problems with dogs (or know
> anyone who has) ?
> picture:
> [1] https://people.collabora.com/~koike/drogo-sleeps.jpeg
> video:
> [2] https://people.collabora.com/~koike/drogo-plays.mp4
> Thank you
> Helen

If he really does not bark... I have no problem with this.


Daniel Lenharo de Souza
DebConf19 - Local team
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