Rhonda D'Vine writes ("more diverse shirt stuff :)"):
>  we'd like to organize a printing of Debian Diversity shirts.  Those
> will be on a self pay basis, I only can guess that they might be around
> 15 US$, will keep the wiki page updated once I get information about
> that.  We'll have to know within the next 48 hours, sorry for the short
> notice, and don't push it off too far. :)
>  You can add your names and shirt sizes (and potential, amount) to this
> wiki page: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/19/DiversityShirts

Thanks.  Can you clarify (ideally on the page itself) whether these
are European or North American sizes ?  IME a European L is roughly a
USAian M.

(I had a quick look on Wikipedia but the information there does not
seem to relate to my experience at all.)


Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
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