Partly because I want to reduce my number of flights for ethical
reasons, and partly because I want to see Sao Paulo anyway, I have
arranged to fly to/from Sao Paulo and will take a bus from there.

On the way to Debconf I will stay in Sao Paulo for a few days, and
then take the bus to Curitiba; on the way back I plan to go straight
from the Debconf accomodation to the bus and then from the bus to the
airport (GRU) in Sao Paulo.

AFAICT there are plenty of buses between Sao Paulo and Curitiba and
the bus trip is about 7h.

Are there any particular tips that locals could share with me ?

Particular questions I have:

 * Is there a particular bus company that you would recommend ?  Can
   (should) I make an online booking ?  My alternative would probably
   be to go to an appropriate booking office in Sao Paulo I guess.

 * How much additional time should I allow on the way back, given that
   I definitely don't want to miss my flight from Sao Paulo ?

 * I will travel with a large rucksack.  In Europe I would expect to
   put my rucksack in the luggage compartment under the coach and not
   to need to worry that it would be stolen.  (My valuables will be
   with me in a shoulder bag and bum bag.)  Should I expect the same
   in Brasil ?  How are these things typically done ?

 * I plan to make one of my trips overnight and sleep on the bus.
   (I will sleep OK on a bus.)  Is this a reasonable idea or bad for
   some reason ?

 * I presume the bus will go from somewhere in central Sao Paulo.  On
   the way to Curitiba I will have been in Sao Paulo for a few days so
   won't be totally disoriented.  On the way back I will need to go
   straight from the long distance bus to the airport (ORD) in Sao
   Paulo.  Are there any particular tips ?

 * Which side of the bus should I try to sit for the best views ? :-)

Thanks for any help.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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