Samuel Henrique dijo [Sat, Sep 08, 2018 at 02:47:15PM -0300]:
> For the speaker side, I saw a really good solution being used at this
> year's DC by Audrey Tang[0], I think it is a non-free service, but it
> should be something really easy to implement it for ourselves.

Yes, looks like an interesting approach. It will also help people who
want to ask and don't want to be on video.

> My suggestion is as follows:
> * anyone can send questions for that specific talk (anonymously or
> not) by accessing an url
> * other people can upvote/downvote the question as the talk is going
> * the speaker has an online dashboard where they can see the most
> upvoted questions and answer the ones they would like to (if the
> speaker agreed to answer questions after the talk)[1]

I really disliked the voting part of this tool, though. I don't want
people to refrain from asking something because they think they will
be downvoted.

> Benefits:
> * people watching it live can send questions
> * can send questions anonymously
> * there will be no room for listening difficulties (accents, speaking
> too fast, etc.)
> * speaker answer the ones they are comfortable with
> * questions can be well made as there will be no anxiety of speaking
> on mic (for some people)

The first point you mention is very interesting, and I'll repeat it:
"Watching it live" does not necessarily mean watching it from the
auditorium. People following IRC would be interacting just as the rest
of the room are.

Then again... Many people (as speakers) will not like this interaction
mode. I found it too stiff, and at times, somewhat demanding /
breaking the natural flow of the presenter. Yes, this could very well
be a tool under DebConf's belt, to be offered to the speakers, but I
would not make it mandatory not to have "voiced" QA.

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