(sorry for top posting)
Is there an indicator how much a taxi ride would take from Taipei airport to 

On July 19, 2018 6:29:08 PM GMT+02:00, Carsten Schoenert 
<c.schoen...@t-online.de> wrote:
>Hi Thomas,
>Am 19.07.2018 um 09:06 schrieb Thomas Kuiper:
>> Hi,
>>> hopefully my plane will landing on Sunday about 8pm local time in
>>> Taoyuan. I expect I will need at least one hour to be ready for
>>> the final ride to the venue. Am I right with such an expectation?
>> Yes, depending how much time immigration takes. There's some long
>> queues sometimes.> Your luggage should get out quickly.
>I thought so, thanks for confirming.
>>> An a final question, given to welcome.pdf and the wiki sides the
>>> departure of bus 182 on Hsinchu HSR will be at 10:30pm which I'm not
>>> sure I can get. I assume taking a taxi is no problem (in Germany in
>>> cities or stations it can be a problem :P )
>> You plan to do airport->HSR->taxi? Thats probably slower and as
>> expensive as doing taxi all the way.
>O.k. I think I will then take the taxi directly from the airport, I"m
>already traveling then for 24h with the jetlag ... it's a bit more
>comfortable to just pick a taxi. :)
>>> What about giving tip if taking a taxi? 10% or more?
>> ZERO. In Taiwan you tip nobody, ask for a discount instead! :)
>Yeah, on the other side of the world you will probably get grumpy
>comments if you give no tip. :P
>Thanks again.
>Carsten Schoenert

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