On 07/18/2018 03:06 AM, Thomas Kuiper wrote:
> But you need to find 7-11. At most major banks in Japan, those cards will NOT 
> work :-)

I'm pretty sure the 7-11 ATM I used at Neyagawa train station four months
ago was not actually inside a 7-11, it was just single machine.

And, as for finding an ATM. I think as a Debian 
one should be trained enough with the use of Google Maps or similar services
to find an ATM :).

> Anyhow in Japan you pay in the stores with VISA, Mastercard. Oddly never an 
> issue there ;p

Paying with VISA cards in stores has never been a problem for me except,
well, in Germany itself where VISA cards are usually frowned upon. I lived
in Norway for a year and usually never had any cash on me. It felt such
a step backwards coming back to Germany.

> Thomas
> Also a German (actually in Tokyo right now).

I will be coming back next spring :). But I guess we're getting off-topic.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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